We are happy to say we are hosting Crafting Crafter's first team build off! We have four teams of two ready to compete in this build off.
New warp:
Also new to this build off will be a /warp buildoff, giving all players easy access to the build off plots!
GoodPiggies and iceTheAlchemyst
iForeverSugar and Osgoodpony
Emergals and Vegeta1234
Dwarf_King360 and Like17Nerds
KeriTheAlchemyst and DrMunchy
The theme is a PvP arena. The arena can be any type, and any theme, but it must be a PvP arena!
Contest dates:
It begins on August 30th, (8/30/15) and ends on September 30th, (9/30/15). Contestants have a full month to create, finish and make final touch-ups on the builds.
Rules and notes:
- Contestants build with their teams, and cannot be given building help by friends or other players. Other players are allowed to give contestants advice on the builds.
- If the build a contestant submits does not comply to the theme then it will have points deducted from it or be disqualified.
- All contestants builds will be built on a plot given to them in the big creative world.
- Builds will be judged the day after the contest ends.
- All builds will be judged with the default texture pack and no mods.
- Contestants must NOT copy other players work.
- For people who have the WorldEdit package, using it is allowed.
Every contestant in the build off has a chance to earn the 'Builder' rank. The winners build will be featured on a blog post and in the 'Photos' section (at http://craftingcrafter.com/photos.html) when the winner is announced. The winning team will also have their names on the Crafting Crafter contest winners page at http://craftingcrafter.com/winners.html. The top 2 teams will each receive in-game money rewards as well as other special prizes.
-CC Judges
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